Released in 1983, the Poly-61 was KORG´s successor to the Polysix. These two great machines have very little in common: the Polysix features a single VCO and a SSM2044 filter whereas the Poly 61 implements two DCOs (digitally controlled analog oscillators) and a custom design of the LM13600 filter, used in the later Korg MS-20. A big plus on the Poly 61´s side is the second oscillator, which can be detuned but also intervalled. This makes the Poly-61 more flexible than its predecessor, with a distinct sonic character.
The Poly-61 is an incredibly versatile machine. While not delving deeply into sound experimentation, this machine can generate a wide range of sounds, each characterized by its own unique imprint. The very fast envelopes produce raspy analog sounds, spanning from growling electro basses to rugged brasses, evocative leads, lush pads, and rough organ tones. The overall sound of the Poly-61 is gritty and pleasantly lo-fi, so it’s no surprise that it has been used, among many others, by artists like Aphex Twin and Boards of Canada.